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Hello my friendπŸ‘‹, I'm Irwin πŸ™‚

A digital entrepreneur and cancer survivor dedicated to helping people achieve financial peace and win the fight against cancer.

My Mission in Life

Before the age of 40, in the next 6 years, I’m dedicating my life to help at least 250,000 people to achieve financial peace, starting with 250 people this year in 2024. And let’s hope I live longer to set an even bigger goal then πŸ˜†

But first, what is financial peace?

From what I’ve learned so far after surrounding myself with so many successful people in my life, the best way to explain financial peace is to achieve a financial state where your investment assets generate enough passive income to pay for your monthly expenses a.k.a the lifestyle you desire” without ever working again. And in case something bad happens to you, you know that your medical bills, loans and other liabilities and commitment are taken care of.

Once you’ve achieved financial peace, then only you proceed to do anything your heart desire like generating more wealth or indulge in creative/passion projects or dedicate your life to helping more people.

Now let me tell you why I’m passionate in helping people achieve financial peace.

I used to suck at making and managing my money. Always in debt and borrowing money. Constantly fighting with my then girlfriend (now wife) about money. It was not until I unroot my bad money beliefs that my financial life started to turn around. Guess what, I didn’t actually save and invest my money until I was 30. And if I didn’t fix my money belief then, I would probably struggle even more as I fight cancer because the treatments are not cheap, even though I have health insurance.

And now that God has given me a 2nd chance in life by surviving cancer, I will no longer waste my life by playing small, instead I’m gonna help as much people as I can while I’m still breathing. And that includes helping other cancer patients fight cancer too. 😊

More about my background~

I’m an Iban born in Sarawak, Malaysia and raised in a normal middle-class family household, destined to be either a teacher (like my mom & dad), an engineer, doctor, or a banker, or a lawyer. Thankfully, I was quite rebellious (sorry mom & dad), and was able to break free from that cycle and discovered my passion for personal growth, entrepreneurship and digital marketing.


Here’s me, my wife, Jean and my parents.Β The people that I truly loveπŸ’–Β Β 

What I've been up to in 2024

  1. Helping people make at least 2-3k USD/month through digital marketing. Aiming to coach at least 250 people in 2024.
  2. Me and my wife contribute around 10% of our time daily to help people fight cancer by sharing our story and wisdoms with them.

Some fun facts about me

🀩 I’m a rather funny, cheerful and expressive person. And I plan to keep it that way in my writing. Which is why you’ll see me using a lot of emojis to express my emotions. πŸ˜‹

😽 I have 2 pet cats named Simba and Moo Moo. Simba can play fetch while Moo Moo is just a very big eater.

🐟I love fishing. Any anglers out there reading this? Hit me up please! 

🌈 Also, you’ll notice that my blog is very colorful. That’s because my life is colorful πŸ™‚ And it has nothing to do with gay pride (nothing against them). I’m just genuinely in love with colors and it just represents who I am as a person.Β 

Get in touch

1. If you want to send me a quick message, or want to get my attention for something awesome, please message me on Facebook Messenger.

2. If it’s a longer thing, please email me instead. I read 100% of emails but there’s only enough time in the day to reply to around 30%. So expect some delay in my reply.

3. If you’re looking to hire me to design your landing pages, funnels and website, do reach out to me through my email or Facebook Messenger.wha