For me, it’s a lifesaver in the fight against cancer.

Pshapadu is a type of Siddha medicine, a form of Indian traditional medicine with thousands of years of history, even before Jesus Christ is born. 

It has a strong cancer-fighting properties. I’m surprised to find no mention of it on the internet, and I think one of the reasons is because of its unusual pronunciation, whose language is probably in Tamil. 

After further digging, I finally found out its common and scientific name, Typhonium flagelliforme. It’s also called Daun Keladi Tikus in the Malay language.

What is Typhonium Flagelliforme?

Jual Produk Tanaman Keladi Tikus Termurah dan Terlengkap Juli 2024 |  Bukalapak

Typhonium Flagelliforme is a small herbaceous plant native to Southeast Asia, commonly found in Malaysia and Indonesia. It belongs to the Araceae family and has been traditionally used to treat various ailments, including cancer. The plant contains bioactive compounds that have shown anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory properties in various studies.

My Journey with Pshapadu

When I was undergoing chemotherapy and immunotherapy, I explored various herbs and supplements to support my treatment and boost my immune system as you can see in the picture below.

Pshapadu was one of the herbs that were introduced to me by another cancer survivor who almost died because of Stage 4 leukaemia. The cancer survivor, I call him Uncle Loh, is now 20 months in remission and he only needs to follow up with the doctor once every 6 months (previous 3 months). I myself am now 10 months in remission and I take this herb daily, alongside other herbs like black turmeric, moringa leaves, and soursop leaves.

The Science Behind Pshapadu

  1. Anticancer Properties: Studies have shown that Pshapadu contains compounds like flavonoids, alkaloids, and glycosides, which exhibit anticancer activities. These compounds can induce apoptosis (programmed cell death) in cancer cells, inhibit cancer cell proliferation, and reduce the formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis) that tumours need to grow.

  2. Anti-inflammatory Effects: Chronic inflammation is linked to cancer progression. The anti-inflammatory properties of Pshapadu can help reduce inflammation in the body, potentially slowing down the growth and spread of cancer cells.

  3. Immune System Support: A strong immune system is crucial for fighting cancer. Pshapadu has immunomodulatory effects, meaning it can enhance the immune system’s ability to target and destroy cancer cells.

Where to get Pshapadu

I was introduced by Uncle Loh to a master practitioner of Siddha medicine named Guru Amma, and she was the one who made the herb for me. I met her together with my wife at her house in TTDI, Kuala Lumpur.


For the Pshapadu herb, she used to brew it into a tea but now she is able to put it into capsule form.

Which is better because the herb is very strong and irritating to the mouth. To be honest, I used to buy from other places like Shopee but after meeting Guru Amma, I was being warned because she told me that the wrong species can actually kill a person.  

Yes, you heard that right. Because pshapadu is very potent and poisonous. Now is being potent or poisonous a good thing? It is because the right kind of dosage can become a cure. Like for example, in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the TCM practitioner even uses honey bee stings and scorpion stings to cure certain illnesses or diseases. Especially when fighting cancer cells, you need something strong and potent to fight it. Just like chemo.

But again, taking the right species of pshapadu is very very important. Because the wrong species can affect you in a bad way or kill you.

Also, I think Pshapadu is better than chemo. Chemo is also a form of poison. Controlled poison and very toxic to the body. It kills cancer cells, but also harms other healthy cells in the body. Too much chemo (especially high dose chemo) and if your body can’t handle it, you’ll die. I’ve seen too many cases of this. They die not because of the cancer, but because of the toxicity of the chemo. It’s because of this reason also that I decided not to go ahead with high-dose chemotherapy. (Story for another time)

How to take Pshapadu & Side effects

I take consistently 9 pills per day ever since I started in Aug 2023 until today Aug 2024. 3 in the morning, 3 in the afternoon, and 3 at night. At first, I take it after meal but after some time, I can just take it without taking any meal beforehand. The reason for this is because as I’ve mentioned above, it is very potent. I’ve heard cases of people taking Pshapadu and experiencing some body aches. The most common one is diarrhoea, and the 2nd most common is vomiting. 

As for me, I don’t experience any side effects at all. Most cancer patients won’t experience any side effects as well.


Can Pshapadu alone cure cancer?

Now, a disclaimer. Pshapadu herb alone cannot be the sole reason for curing cancer. I along with other patients taking the herb fully accept that. However, Pshapadu does give a strong fighting chance against cancer when consumed. Your recovery will be even better when taking Pshapadu along with other anti-cancer food, herbs and supplements. In my case, I take so many types of herbs and supplements alongside Pshapadu as you can see in the picture below. 

it’s a lot right? that’s how bad I want to fight cancer, within my budget

And because of taking all these, my recovery is super fast, and I was able to achieve remission within 2 months of taking Pshapadu while doing immunotherapy as well. It is proven by my PET scan on 29 September 2023.

I had non-hodgkin lymphoma growth behind my eyeball, the size of golf ball. very scary, but im glad it’s over now

At first, I didn’t believe it either. My wife also couldn’t believe it as well. So we continue to do both immunotherapy and taking pshapadu. I then had another follow-up scan on 27 March 2024 (The result came out on 2 April 2024) and my doctor couldn’t find any traces of cancer in the PET scan as well. 

Now I still continue taking Pshapadu as a preventive measure. My wife also taking it as well. 

What type of cancer can Pshapadu cure?

Based on Guru Amma’s own record, she has helped more than 1000 patients actually in the past 30 years, but not all are cancer case. But we managed to talk to her and get her to tell the story of some of the cancer patients that she has treated because we want to believe that Pshapadu can work. 

So here are some of the stories of cancer patients that she has treated.

Biodata: Chandran, 47 year old, married with 3 kids, obese

Type of cancer: Bone cancer stage 4 (Doctor say will die within 30 days)

Story: At that time, he was a Site Engineer with Telekom, gone to Dubai to make more income. While at work, he experienced lightheadedness, and he fall. They sent him to hospital to have a check-up and found out that he had cancer. So he came back to Malaysia to get treated in University Hospital.

His condition is really bad and he was too fragile to even do basic stuff (ie. showering, walking) by himself. So Guru Amma took him in to stay with her and tended after him while also giving him P.Shapadu + “honey+herbs” concoction & other herbs. After 1 week of therapy, he started to walk on his own and able to shower by himself. Within 3 months, he was back to normal self. After 6 months, he went back to hospital to have another checkup, he was cleared from his cancer, and doctor felt like he was dreaming. Now after 20 years+ he is still alive and still working.

Biodata: Vani, Indian, 49 years old, From Rawang

Type of cancer: Lung cancer Stage 4 (very late stage)

Story: She took P.Shapadu & “honey+herbs” concoction & other herbs and was cured within 6 months. But she has no disciplined when it comes to foods. She loves and “curi makan”(eating) all that sweet dessert ie. cendol, teh tarik, and after another 6 months, the cancer came back and metastasized. So Guru Amma treated her again and she is cured in 3 months. Guru Amma also warned her if she “curi makan”(eating all the sweet foods again) , Guru Amma won’t treat her anymore.

Biodata: Johari, Malay, 37years, from Kedah

Type of cancer: Tongue cancer Stage 4

Story: Doc said it was so bad that his tongue can fall off anytime. He took P.Shapadu & “honey+herbs” concoction & other herbs and achieved remission within 8 months. His tongue also back to normal after 18 months.

Biodata: Devagi, from Kelana Jaya

Type of cancer: Mouth cancer Stage 4 (final stage)

Story: Like the other cases, Doctor also gave up on his case because it was so bad that his “daging pipi suda tak ada (no more cheek flesh)” So Guru Amma also nursed him back to health. She used coconut oil with a kind of leaf (not sure of the name) everyday to cover the cheeks because basically everything he eats or drink will fall out. Guru Amma also gave him P.Shapadu & “honey+herbs” concoction & other herbs and within 6 months, his cancer was cured and his cheeks also cured within 8 months (No more hole). Now he looks like the way he was before being diagnosed.

Biodata: Mr. Yap, 72 years old, from KL

Type of cancer: Throat cancer stage 4 (spread to his spinal cord)

Story: He went to so many countries for treatment, and tried a lot of integrative medicine and allopathic medicine (spending millions on the treatments), but to no avail. When a friend told him about Guru Amma, like many people, he was really skeptical to try at first. For his case, he was almost blind on both eyes (cancer spread to the eye), but after 8 months of taking P.Shapadu & “honey+herbs” concoction & other herbs, his eyesight completely cured.

Biodata: Raja Marissa, 57 years old, from KL

Type of cancer: Uterine cancer & breast cancer (stage 4)

Story: She consumed P.Shapadu + honey + other herbs for 8 months and managed to achieve remission, and she continues to take the herb for another year.

That’s all the stories that me and my wife managed to get from Guru Amma. In actual fact, Pshapadu has cured many other types of cancer as well. But again a disclaimer, this is not a miracle herb. You need to take a holistic approach when it comes to fighting cancer effectively.

So, if you’re a cancer fighter and looking to meet Guru Amma and try Pshapadu, please contact Uncle Loh because he is the one now helping Guru Amma to set appointments since Guru Amma don’t really pick up phone and busy making herbs. You can PM me on Facebook for Uncle Loh contact number. 

If you are not able to meet physically, you can also arrange a video call as well.

Cost of Pshapadu?

As for the cost of Pshapadu, 1 month of supply costs me RM1320, for a total of 300 capsules, where I would take 9 pills daily, 3 in the morning, 3 during lunch and 3 after dinner. 

Some people may need to take more doses like Uncle Loh, who takes 5 pills per day. Some may need less. Depends on their condition.

However, some people may also need to take additional herbs especially those that have other health complications, so Guru Amma will be able to diagnose and recommend the right herbs and the right dose accordingly. Like my wife, she took 2 pills per day as prevention. 

If you feel it is expensive, yeah we feel it’s expensive too. And the reason for that is because to actually get the right species and with enough quantity is still very difficult. They still procure the plant from its natural habitat, and it is still difficult to be planted on a commercial scale. Still, they are trying to plant it on a large scale, and hopefully that is successful so eventually they can bring the cost down. 

Last but not least, I wish and pray the best for you who are fighting cancer 🙏🙏 If you have any questions, please ask me right away on Facebook.

Together, we can win this fight against cancer.

Frequently asked questions

I’ve compiled some common questions that some cancer patients have and asked Guru Amma about them. These are her answers to those questions.

  1. What’s the recommended dose for me?
    It depends on your cancer. If you’re at late stage 3, or 4, it is recommended to take 15 pills per day. This is because your cancer is at an advanced stage and you need a strong dose of the herb to fight it. Just like how the doctor would recommend high-dose chemo to late-stage cancer patients, same concept. The good thing about this herb is it doesn’t harm the rest of your body, only some minor side effects. 
    If you’re at stage 2 or lower, you can take 9 pills per day. 
  2. I have other health issues like diabetes, high blood pressure etc, can I still take Pshapadu?
    Can, but you will need some other additional herbs to address the other health issues. That’s why for some of my patients I make them Herbs+honey concoction, or other herbs to go along with Pshpadu.
  3. What if I experience side effects like vomiting, diarrhoea or body aches after taking Pshapadu? Should I stop?
    No, please don’t even stop, especially if your cancer is at a late stage already. I understand the side effects may not be pleasant, but please do not stop. The best-case scenario is you keep eating the same dose despite the side effects. If the side effects are unbearable, you can lower the dose for a while but please don’t stop. Because if you stop, you will have nothing strong to suppress or kill the cancer. For example, if you take 9 pills per day, you can reduce it to 3 per day first, then if your body is ok with it, gradually increase it to 6 per day in the next couple of days, and then eventually 9 pills again. Your body will adjust accordingly and be able to handle the 9 pills or more after some time. For some people, it may take 1 week to adjust, some people may take 1 month. The point is, please don’t stop.
  4. Should I take chemo or immunotherapy while taking Pshapadu?
    You should but you need to monitor how your body is reacting to it. Like in Irwin’s case, he took Pshapadu while doing immunotherapy and he went into remission in 2 months. Very fast. That’s because the herb works alongside your treatments, not against it. You just have to make sure that your body can handle it.
  5. My doctor strongly advised me to stop taking any herbs because they don’t work and it may interfere with my treatments. What should I do?
    Ultimately the decision is in your hands. I have treated so many cancer patients and they are cured. They went against their doctor’s advice and continued taking Pshapadu or other herbs that I administered. I understand it can be scary when your doctor says no, but so far for all the patients that I treated, the herbs don’t really interfere with the treatment, but only treat their disease faster. 
  6. Is there any cases where Pshapdu fails and the patient died? 
    Unfortunately, I have treated some very late-stage patients, some even on palliative care, and they passed away within 1, or 2 months of taking the herbs. Why is that? It’s not because Pshapadu didn’t work, but it’s because their cancer is too advanced to be treated already. Even with that said, I have also treated some late-stage patients, even those on palliative care, and they are cured fully. These are cases where the doctors have already given up hope and because of Pshapadu, they are miraculously cured. So the effect varies from one person to another. 
  7. Is Pshapadu a mixture of many herbs?
    No, just a few. But the main ingredient is still Typhonium Flagelliforme or daun keladi tikus.
  8. Can I order Pshapadu without consulting Guru Amma?
    Can, but only if you don’t have any other underlying health issues, only cancer. 

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