Not only do we get to taste the most amazing home-cooked Punjabi meal, but we learn so much about spirituality and how to prepare healthy food ourselves 😊

Meet the Sidhu family. 😊One of the kindest and most spiritual family that I’ve ever met in my entire life. Meeting them was also pure miracle. We actually met them by chance during Jean’s friend’s wedding in the year 2022.

So long story short, since we’re so busy with wedding stuff, house renovation stuff, we kept delaying a formal visit to their home, where they have invited us to come over since last year.

But then we’re like, if we keep throwing the excuse of being busy all the time (which we are), we probably won’t ever get to meet them.

So we did this instead: Despite all that busyness, we make time to visit them this time. 😊
At first, we thought it will just be a normal dinner with the Sidhu family, but we got more than just that.

Aunty Sidhu’s presence alone is so grounding, calming and healing.

A little side story, Aunty Sidhu, aged around 60+ was diagnosed with cancer as well, and it took her 10 years to achieve full remission. When we meet each other during our friend’s wedding, she told about her journey with cancer, and she offered to help me in any way she can, and even visited me (together with her daughter) when I was hospitalized due to chemo’s side effect. Such a kind person 😊God bless her soul πŸ™

During our dinner, Aunty shared about a Spiritual Center called Success in Life Center (SILC) that she frequently go to that helped her with her healing. And the healing service doesn’t just heal her physically, but also emotionally and spiritually as well. She said during the healing session, everyone will pray for her and everyone will gather around her and put their hands on her and pray to Almighty God to heal her.

And she did get healed. Not just from cancer itself, but she also had knee and spinal injury quite recently that she is healing from. She talked about how she went from using the 4 legged stretcher to using just a stick to walk now.

What a miracle. And from having bad pain to no pain at all. Which was very miraculous. And through her story, I feel healed and grounded as well, even though my energy is calm and steady before I met her.

So what is this Spiritual Center (SILC) all about?

Well, they identify themselves more as a Christian movement, they actually welcome anyone to join them and experience healing. Here are some pictures of the centre’s brochure. There are numerous testimonials of people healing from various illness as well.

So yeah, I guess me and my wife Jean is also sold into the idea of attending the healing services of the Spiritual Center. As she was explaining about the center, I can feel some really good and healing vibe from the center. As per her advice, I will make a call to the center soon and arrange for a time to attend one of their healing services. 😊😊

You can too. Just call one of the center near you and tell them that you want to attend one of their service. If they ask who told you about the center, you can just say a good friend or Aunty from Klang 😊

On top of that, Aunty Sidhu also told us to put our names into this namecard for which all the members of the centre will pray for our healing.

So I put my name into the card, and I request for healing of my reproductive organ, because it has been affected by chemotherapy. (Because me and my wife want to have a baby after our wedding ceremony) Even before knowing about this, I already believe I am healing, and I already have a strong, unwavering belief that my body is a great healing machine. Silva Healing also helps to reinforce the belief in me. More about this later.

So as we talk about these spiritual healing stuff, the Sidhu family told us about their healthy food diet and juicing diet which has helped them all recover and heal from all serious illness. Just to add, Aunty’s husband also has been diagnosed with cancer, and was healed fully, with the doctor shocked with his rate of recovery. Part of it is due to the healthy food that they consumed. I will share more about the healthy food in another post ya 😊

So before we left, Aunty gave us this holy water which was sourced from the sacred well in Israel, which has a healing property. Thank you Aunty!

All in all, it was a very beautiful dinner πŸ˜ŠπŸ™ And we are blessed to really made the time to visit them.

Also, something changed within me after visit the Sidhu family. I no longer dread or stress about wedding preparation, house renovation and the great amount of workload from my clients. I actually feel in flow and have a positive approach now towards all of them.

Isn’t it incredible guys? 😊Maybe some of you don’t believe in these woo-woo spiritual stuff, but you do you okay! For me, even though I’m a very scientific person, I do believe in these Spiritual stuff because I have experience the healing myself because I did Silva Healing religiously during my chemotherapy period and I achieved total remission.

Next, I’m gonna do Silva healing to heal my body, especially my reproductive organ so I can have kids with my beautiful wife in the future. πŸ˜ŠπŸ™ Also, last but not least, I will be visiting the Spiritual Center soon and talk about the experience 😊

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