I’m holding a book with business strategies that generated billions of dollars for Jay’s client. That’s how powerful this book is. 🤯

So are you ready to supercharge your business to the next level? This is one of the book that will help you do just that. Or, you can pay me to come out with incredible strategy for your business 🤣🤣 Or you can just read the book summary that I’ve outlined below 😄

👀 The Book in 3 Sentences:

  1. Packed with real-life business case studies and strategies.
  2. If you’re a business owner or someone pursuing some side hustles, this book will help you get unstuck.
  3. Old knowledge (Published in 2009) but still highly relevant in today’s time. 


⏩ Quick Summary:

The Sticking Point Solution: 9 Ways to Move Your Business from Stagnation to Staggering Success is a business book written by Jay Abraham. In the book, Abraham explores nine strategies for overcoming “sticking points” that can impede the growth of a business. The strategies he outlines include creating a new market, increasing the value of existing products and services, leveraging existing resources, and more. Through a combination of case studies, anecdotes, and practical advice, he aims to help entrepreneurs and business leaders identify and overcome obstacles that may be preventing their companies from reaching their full potential. Awesome right? 


🗿 Who Should Read it:

Business owners, people with side hustle, or those who are working in marketing and sales.  


😎 How the Book Changed Me

  1. Enables me to think and act more strategically to grow my side hustle business.
  2. Enables to me come out with ways to improve my work performance in my day job.


💡 The 9 strategies outlined in “The Sticking Point Solution” with Some Funny Examples:

  1. Creating a new market: Imagine a company that invent “The Never-Ending Toilet Paper Roll” This way you’ll never run out and never have to go through the trauma of a empty roll again! 🤣
  2. Increasing the value of existing products and services: A gym turns into a “Netflix-Gym” where you can watch your favorite shows while on the treadmill.
  3. Leveraging existing resources: A coffee shop starts using their coffee grounds to make scented candles and soaps. Who says waste is bad?
  4. Developing strategic partnerships: A clothing company partners with a pizza chain, so you can wear a pizza slice on your shirt while eating a pizza.
  5. Creating a dominant market position: A company creates a “Time-Turner” from Harry Potter, where you can go back in time to avoid all the mistakes you made yesterday.
  6. Creating a monopoly of one: An individual becomes “The Fairy Godmother of Organizing” for people who are always disorganized and scatterbrained.
  7. Creating multiple streams of income: A business owner creates a course on “How to become a superhero” and also offers consulting services on how to fly, become invisible and have super strength.
  8. Creating a new, compelling marketing message: A company rebrands itself as “Zombie-Proof” products, so even the zombie will use them!
  9. Creating a sense of urgency: A company runs a limited-time sale, “Get it now or it will turn into a pumpkin at midnight”

    Just so you know, these examples are purely fictional ok, and just for a comedic purpose and might not be practical or applicable to real-world business scenarios. The book provides real strategies and tools to help overcome the obstacles that may be preventing businesses from reaching their full potential.


❤️️ My Favorite Quote from the book:

  1. Marketing, innovation, and strategizing produce results, all the rest are cost.
  2. Don’t hesitate to extol your own achievements and value – but do it in the context of the benefits it brings to the client. (Part of the 15 ways to position yourself, or your company as Preeminent in your marketplace) – pg 35
  3. If you’re invisible, you can’t be the go-to source. Make yourself, your product, or your company known. Do it impactfully. Do it with the right people. Make the impact worth the effort.
  4. Learn to project the image of true success – long before you’ve fully achieve it. It’s only a matter of time before it will occur.
  5. Your goal cannot be to get rich. Your goal must be to make the client’s life or business richer, more protected, and more fulfilled so that they get more out of the process of doing business, or out of life itself. 
  6. Selling is about relationships, so whoever builds the strongest relationship will get the deal because of trust.- pg 53
  7. We live in an era of convenience. The easier you make it for your clients, the more likely they are to buy. – pg 69


💥 Conclusion

I highly recommend this book not just to business owners but also to employees as well as it provides a holistic view on how a successful business should operate. The learning here is also particularly useful for those of you who wanted to start a side hustle as well. However, it is not an easy book to digest. Every chapter is full of golden nuggets. The best way to use this book is to read it first, then revisit the chapters that you think is most useful to your business at the moment. Even a small implementation of some of the strategies in this book will cause a big impact to your business.

Here’s a victory dance you can practice to when you made it rain after reading this book 🤣🤣🤣

golden globes GIF

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