Let me tell you a sad reality of most cancer fighters – their financial sucks, unless they are rich. Still, that’s not usually the case because I’ve personally met rich people who’ve spent millions on their cancer treatments and it costs them their business and their life savings.

I’ve faced similar situation as well. Because of cancer, I wasn’t able to work well and forced to resign from my job, had to use all my savings and pull all my investment funds to fund my cancer treatments which includes buying additional cancer fighting herbs and supplements. This is on top of me having a health insurance, but I didn’t have a big coverage (I wished I had, of at least 1 million)

On top of that,  I still had to ask for donation from my friends and families to continue fighting cancer.

But I had to work with what I have, and thank God I am still able to afford immunotherapy treatment which is more costly than chemotherapy,  but highly effective in my case, and it costs roughly 20k per treatment.  And I have done 4 cycles in total.

As of this writing on 29th July 2024, I am already 10 month remission based on my last PET scan on 29 September 2023. Amen to that 🎉🎉

It’s not easy getting to where I am. But without money, it is even harder. Or perhaps I would have given up, like some cases of patients that I personally encountered in the hospital, mainly because of the lack of money.

And because they lack money, they are unable to afford proper nutrients to help their body recovered post chemo, which causes their body to become really weak and easily get infected by various diseases. That is also another cause of death for cancer fighters. Their body cannot handle being bombarded by chemotherapy, especially high dose chemotherapy, which is administered in most government hospitals because it is cheap.

So it is crucial to have a proper diet in order to fight cancer well.

Which is the reason of me writing this post today.

So let me share with you the best way to fight cancer, from zero to little cost to budget friendly way and to the most expensive one.


  1. Black Turmeric
    What is Kali Haldi and why it is considered an endangered herb in India |  The Times of India

Drink black turmeric everyday.

One of my distant cousin do this everyday and she is still alive today. In reality, doctors told her that she only have 1-2 years left to live, and that was more than 10 years ago.

I didn’t know much about her other diet, but given that she and her family lives a simple farmer’s live, surrounded by nature, they primarily eat home grown fruits and vegetables. Which is also an important factor in winning the fight against cancer. She didn’t eat highly processed food which may cause further harm to her body. 

I drink black turmeric too when I was still doing chemotherapy and immunotherapy. I would smash the turmeric using pestle and mortar and pour 1 glass of hot water and keep on pounding it until the juice is all out and the water becomes white. The taste is quite strong but I somehow got used to it, where I am able to drink in one go without pinching my nose. 😆

Now I take them in pills, and I buy from a local herbs seller who has a shop in Shopee as well. Here is a screenshot of my recent purchase. Yes, I bought many other herbs as well which I will explain further. 

Now you may wonder, what’s the difference between black turmeric and normal turmeric? 

From what I’ve researched over the internet, it seems like the black variant has more curcumin, and curcumin has been proven in various studies to reduces inflammation, which is at the root of many diseases, including cancer. There are animal and lab studies done that shows that turmeric can help prevent cancer growth and kill certain cancer cells, but not much has been done with human trials. The only evidence I known so far is through the story of my distant cousin which is still alive today. 

Black turmeric are also easy to plant and grow, which makes them a cheap cancer fighting herb.

2. Moringa leaves

MORINGA LEAVES Supplier in Malaysia- Price & Review

As you can see from my purchase above, moringa leaf is another thing that I personally took as well. For me, I don’t drink brew the leave into a tea, but I take them in pills. Why pills? I’m a busy man, and I like to be efficient, that’s why I take all the cancer fighting herbs in one go if I can, which I can when I take them all in pill form. 😊

Again, what lead to try moringa leave is from the researching the internet, youtube videos, tiktok and from the various stories of cancer fighters taking moringa leaf. One prominent research that I love and gives me hope is this one from sciencedirect, where moringa leaf extract causes apoptosis, which means cell deaths, specifically, cancer cell death. And it is cheap as well. The trees are easily planted. I believe moringa is one of the cheapest herbs that one can take to fight cancer. 

3. Soursop leaves

Soursop | Hawaiian Chai | Immune Booster | lower blood pressure |  mauimedicinal

Another cheap and effective cancer fighting herb is soursop leaves. Soursop leaves are very cheap. I have heard multiple cases of people being cured from cancer by simply taking soursop leave everyday, even without taking any chemo. Scientifically, in lab studies, the leaf extracts can kill some types of cancer cells including liver, breast and prostate cancer cells. On top of that, it is is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatories, like vitamin C and quercetin, which helps to manage excess free radicals and strengthen immune system cells. 

Now there may not be any research stating that it will help with my particular cancer, non-hodgkin lymphoma, but since it has many other benefits, I’ll take it. So should you, especially if you’re fighting cancer.

4. Garlic

Garlic - Keep Cancer At Bay: Eat Garlic, Turmeric And Other  Anti-Carcinogenic Foods | The Economic Times

Garlic is dirt cheap. It is easily available throughout the world. In studies, it has shown to cause cell death among cancer cells as well, and it causes anti angiogenesis, which means it helps reduce the ability of cancer cells to promote the growth of new blood vessels. So how should one take garlic effectively?
In my case, I simply take it with all my cooking, where I would stir fry it before adding the other ingredients. But I love taking it in my guacamole.😊 Sometimes I would consume immediately some of that pressed garlic as well and I actually enjoy it, but not my wife (serious, I’m not joking)😆

5. Japanese Matcha Green Tea

Matcha: Understanding Japan's Powdered Green Tea | LIVE JAPAN travel guide

I love this the most. It is nice and tasty, with a slight bitter taste, depending on the quality of the green tea. Matcha tea has EGCG, which help stop cancer cell growth. And it has so many other benefits as well, like fat burning, helps reduce blood sugar , improve cognitive function and so much more. 

As for the price, it may vary. There are some cheap matcha out there, but for me and my wife, we procure one of the highest grade macha, called the Aoaurashi Matcha, which costs around rm100 per 40g. We bought it from Shopee as well. 


There’s actually 1 more herb that I take daily called Pshapadu, but it does not fall on this budget friendly category. It is a form of Siddha medicine, quite an expensive herb but it is one that is highly potent and has cured many patients, even those on palliative care. It is probably one of the reason why I was able to achieve remission in 2 short months of taking it. 

In the meantime, and if you’re tight on money, you can try any of these herbs to help you fight cancer better. 😊

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