Hello everyone, my name is Irwin, from Sarawak. Most of you probably know my story, I’m a cancer survivor, but what most people didn’t know is that I had a very interesting “spiritual encounter” with none other than Jesus and Mary themselves while fighting cancer.

But the thing is, in terms of faith, for most of my life, I’m not religious. I used to be a Christian, not baptised, just following my friends and cousins to church sometimes, but then I went astray, do all kinds of new age practices like Astral travelling, yoga, astrology, and when I see Buddha statue somewhere, I would pray to Buddha, and if I see God of Money statue, I would ask for toto4d number. Silly but true 😆😆

Even back at home, my parents still do the old Iban practice of sacrifice and worshipping Pagan Gods. So yeah, I don’t subscribe to any religion and I don’t see the point of doing so. Only my wife is Catholic, but she doesn’t force her catholic faith on me.

Anyway, 2 years ago around July 2022, I was diagnosed with cancer (non-hodgkin lymphoma). The cancer tumour was growing on my left chest, the size of a fist.

Doctor say if left untreated, I would only have 4-5 months to live, which is very scary, because I didn’t want to die so early. I’m not ready. 

So i did what the doctor says, do chemo and all. And long story short, after 6 cycles of chemo, my cancer went into remission based on Dec 2022 PET scan. Of course, we are very happy lah.

However, the happiness is short-lived

because 4 months later, my cancer came back. This time it spread to the brain. The tumor is the size of golf ball.

Of course, I was sad because I had to fight cancer again. So I did chemo again for another 3 round, but sometime in May 2023, after chemo, I kena covid again. My situation went from bad to worse. Can easily pening kepala and collapse and die.

I was admitted into isolation room in Sg Buloh Hospital and it wasn’t a very pleasant experience. On average in a day I cirit 10-20 times, and I cough more than 100 times. Very torturous. And because of the medication, everything taste bad and smell bad. Really the worst experience of my life. I really wished I could just die and end the suffering.

2nd day went on and my situation is still the same, cirit and batuk like crazy and food taste bad as well. However, that evening around 6 to 7pm like that, something interesting happen.

I suddenly had a unique ability where anything I imagine immediately turn into reality. Like Ultra 4k HD in front of me. I kid you not. Just like how I would see a real person in real life, that’s how real my imagination was at that time.

a simple sketch to illustrate how I experience it back then 😊

So being someone who loves cartoons, I would imagine One Piece Luffy, my favorite anime character, and he would immediately show up in front of me like a real person. And I would think of other cartoon characters like Mickey Mouse, Spiderman, Iron Man, Thor and many more and they just appear instantly.

So this imagination provides me with some level of comfort and distracts me from my pain and suffering. 

But then, a curious thought came across my mind. 

What would Jesus and Mother Mary look like?

And in an instant, they appeared in front of me.

But somehow their presence felt different than all the cartoon characters. Felt very powerful. Very hard to describe actually. It was almost scary because I was in front of such a holy presence. (Even as I’m writing this, I can still feel the strong emotion and I can’t help but cry again 🥹🥹)

Both of them didn’t say a word. Mother Mary just stood in front of my bed, and then Jesus, with a walking stick, walked towards my right side and sat on the chair.

He then just put his hands on my thigh for a few seconds, and at that very moment, I just felt total peace. Undescribable peace. Also guess what guys, I can feel his touch, just like when someone were to touch you. 

He didn’t say anything, but somehow he spoke to my heart saying:

everything is going to be ok. That I will be healed and I will go on to help many other cancer patients as well in my lifetime.

And I really felt that throughout my body. 

After that, Jesus got up and just disappeared together with Mother Mary. Throughout the encounter, I really couldn’t say a word, I truly felt holy fear. I cry a lot because the experience is so beautiful. 🥹🥹 I’m so blessed to be able to see Jesus and Mother Mary in the flesh.

(A sidenote: You may think that all these could just be a conjuring of my own imagination right? Yes, it is true that when I have this “Gift”, I can imagine all the cartoon characters at will, but just like in a dream, I do not have control over their action. So the Jesus and Mary that I saw could be something that my own brain produces. But that’s all up to you to decide whether you want to believe that Jesus and Mary is real in my situation. But I choose to believe they are real. Just read the rest of my story, and decide for yourself. However, I just want to share with you that if I don’t experience this myself, I would be skeptical as well if someone else were to tell me the same story. So if you believe in this, great, because the rest of my story proves that Jesus and Mary is real. And if you want to remain a skeptic, feel free to do so, I won’t even try to convince you otherwise 🙂

So long story short, my condition improved.

And after almost 2 weeks in the hospital, I was discharged and continued my fight with cancer.

But it still wasn’t smooth sailing either. I continued with the chemo but didn’t work. 

The cancer didn’t shrink. What’s worse is the cancer spread to my bones and some of my organs. It was bad. Stage 4 bad. 

Not gonna lie, it does cause me to have doubt in Jesus. I get angry at Jesus too and ask him:” Why Jesus? Why? Didn’t you say that you are gonna heal me?” This went on for a while.

But sometime later I calmed down and I surrendered myself fully to Jesus and recalled the assurance that he gave me. 

After the encounter, I also started to read the bible again and I have 2 quotes that I encountered and resonated with me at the time which remind me of the promise that Jesus gave.

James 1:6-8 NIV “But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.”

And another one: 

Jeremiah 29-11: For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

So based on this, I continue to believe in Jesus’s promise because I know he would not fail me. I even engrave this message on a necklace to remind me of his promise.

Then sometime later in July 2023, I had a miraculous encounter with some total strangers who introduced me to some other people which led me to try different treatments for my cancer.

And 2 months later, when I finally had my PET scan on Sep 2023, the doctor said the cancer was not active anymore.

At first, me and my wife couldn’t believe it. We also have the fear if the scan has an error la. Because how could I possibly get into remission in just 2 short months right? I have been fighting cancer for more than a year and see little results.

I thought to myself, could this be the promise that Jesus gave? This fast?

It’s still very hard for me to accept this result (especially my wife who is very risk-averse), so just to make sure that the cancer betul betul not active, we still continue with the new treatment regime.

Fast forward 6 months later, I had another follow-up scan in March 2024, and again, cancer is not active.

And fast forward today (as of this writing on 12 Aug 2024), and with the grace of God, I am already 11 months cancer-free since Sep last year. 

So reflecting back on that Jesus touch experience, I believe Jesus has delivered good on his promise. 🥹🥹🙏

Praise be to Jesus Christ.

Also long story short, I eventually ended up joining RCIA, got baptised, got confirmed as a Catholic and renewed my faith in Christ. Hallelujah (No more other Gods or new age practice)

with my Godfather and my wife

I hope this story of mine inspires you who is reading this. Whatever hardship that you are experiencing, just pray to God for he will not forsake you. Jesus is real. Mother Mary is real. I am a living testimony to that.

P.S: If you are a cancer fighter reading this, you can reach out to me and my wife. We will help you in any way that is possible within our capability and within your capability as well 🙏🙏 We will also pray for you so that the healing power of Jesus may flow through you and heal you as well🙏 Amen

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1 Comment

  1. Very inspiring testimony of our Lord Jesus and mother Mary.

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